1850 CHICAGO - CHOLERA EPIDEMIC LETTER. 10" x 8" 0ne page pen written, from Chicago 1850 from George Roberts to his brother William (in Grand Rapids). Stampless cover ,red 5 cancellation.
Chicago, Aug. 3.1850
Brother William
I arrived in Chicago early Saturday morning had rather a time on the lake but got along quite well . I found that many of my old aquaintances & old residences had died. During my absence the Cholera has been quite severe during my absence & many are quite sick now with fevers. I think the cholera is rather abating, not quite so much of it as there has been but a good deal of it is at present, there was a man near the States well & hearty yesterday , weighed 200 lbs, about 27 years old died last night, there is a great many sick in Town. I hope to keep well (that is) so that I can live through the month of August, the sickly season. (?) news some sea sick found Mr. Brook & Parker had gone down the Canal when she returned. The boys had not sold much of anything in my absence. I told them that I did not think I should pay a week without selling 500 at least. I was a little disappointed but it cannot be expected that it would go off quite as well as if I had been here. Tell Father he may select a piece of paper to write his name & I will be obliged to him for the amount of $500. Yours in haste
From Your Brother
Geo. R. R. (H.767 ); $125.
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